Yupy Subdomain Finder All in One
All in One Subdomain Finder Tool is a tool to search for subdomains of an inputted domain. This tool uses several other tools such as Sublist3r, Amass, Subfinder, Assetfinder, and Knockpy to find subdomains. This program is written in Python and uses several libraries such as argparse and subprocess to read arguments from the command line and execute shell commands.
To use this program, make sure Python 3 is installed on your computer. Then, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository by
git clone https://github.com/0xYP/yupysubdo.git
- Enter the repo directory by
cd yupysubdo
- Install all dependencies by
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Here you must have Sublist3r, Amass, Subfinder, Assetfinder, and Knockpy first to run this tool
- Run the program using
python yupysubdo.py domain.com
The program will request domain input from the user via command line arguments, then the program will run each tool to find subdomains of the input domain. Each subdomain search results from the tools will be combined into one set and stored in the output file with the name “hasil.txt”. The program also displays a banner with ASCII art and a status message for each running tool.
Use of Tools
This program uses several dependencies as follows:
- argparse
- subprocess
Dependencies can be installed with the command pip install -r requirements.txt
This program is built by Yupy Syntax